Test and Evaluation Trends and Costs for Aircraft and Guided Weapons
by Fox, Bernard, Boito, Michae...
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List Price: $28.00
Military Airframe Costs The Effects of Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Processes
by Younossi, Obaid, Kennedy, M...
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Assessing Competitive Strategies for the Joint Strike Fighter Opportunities and Options
by Birkler, John L., Graser, J...
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Military Airframe Acquisition Costs: The Effects of Lean Manufacturing
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Government Accountability Office Bid Protests in Air Force Source Selections : Evidence and ...
by Camm, Frank, Chenoweth, Mar...
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Contracor Logistics Support in the U.S. Air Force
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Price Based Acquistion:Issues & Challenges for Defense
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Final Assembly and Checkout Alternatives for the Joint Strike Fighter
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Assembling and Supporting the Joint Strike Fighter in the Uk Issues and Costs
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The Economics of Air Force Medical Service Readiness
by Graser, John C., Blum, Dani...
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Retaining F-22A Tooling: Options and Costs
by Graser, John C., Brancato, ...
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The Air Force's Experience with Should-Cost Reviews and Options for Enhancing Its Capability...
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Implications of an Air Force Budget Downturn on the Aircraft Industrial Base : An Explorator...
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Government Accountability Office Bid Protests in Air Force Source Selections : Evidence and ...
by Camm, Frank, Chenoweth, Mar...
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Methodology for Comparing Costs and Benefits of Management Alternatives for F-22 Sustainment
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Effects of Advanced Materials on Airframe Operation and Support Costs
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Options for and Costs of Retaining C-17 Aircraft Production-Only Tooling
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Overview of Acquisition Reform Cost Savings Estimates
by Lorell, Mark, Graser, John C.
ISBN: 9780833030184
List Price: $20.00